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Professorships Department



A warm welcome to the website of the Professorships Department at the University of Zurich (UZH). We are delighted that you are interested in our University and in the services that our department offers. It is very important to us to support you as best we can as you prepare for your stay at UZH and in Zurich, as well as while you are here.

Interested in a Professorship at UZH?
Click through the following headings for useful tips and information on UZH as an employer, on the appointment procedure, and on life in general in the Zurich area.

About UZH
Appointment Procedure
Dual Careers & Integration
Language Courses
Living in Zurich
Entering Switzerland
Onboarding Day

Feel free to contact us at any time if you have any further questions.

Are You Coming to Work at UZH?
We hope that you soon settle in at our University. We have put together a whole variety of information on key issues to make it as easy as possible for you and your family to get here and get used to life in Zurich. The employment-related side of your appointment is dealt with under Your Professorship.

Weiterführende Informationen


University of Zurich
Professorships Department
Hirschengraben 60
CH-8001 Zurich
