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Professorships Department

Dual Career & Integration


UZH as an Employer

The University of Zurich (UZH) is Switzerland’s largest university, with a leading position in the European Research Area. In the scope of its professorial appointment procedures, UZH recruits outstanding academics from around the world and offers them first-rate conditions.

For universities today, services such as support for dual career couples bring key advantages in attracting staff. These services are also available across international borders.

Membership in the Swiss Academic Dual Career Network (S-ADCN)

UZH is a founding member of S-ADCN, the network of Swiss universities and research institutions supporting dual career couples. Member organizations set out their commitment to providing services for dual career couples in a letter of intent. Developing individual solutions and best practices for dual career couples are among the declared goals of S-ADCN. swissuniversities, the umbrella organization of Swiss universities, officially recognized S-ADCN as a network of swissuniversities in September 2019.

What the Professorships Department Offers

The Professorships Department is committed to ensuring that the partners of newly appointed professors are also able to continue their careers after moving to Switzerland. The needs and concerns of the couples are already addressed during the appointment negotiations and the possibilities and limits of support are clarified at an early stage.

Weiterführende Informationen


Professorships Department

Arlette Meienberger

Phone: +41 44 63 42064


Rahel Gugerli

Phone: +41 44 63 42198


S-ADCN Members

Swiss Academic Dual Career Network (S-ADCN)
