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Professorships Department

What the Professorships Department Offers

The Professorships Department is committed to ensuring that the partners of newly appointed professors are also able to continue their careers after moving to Switzerland. The needs and concerns of the couples are already addressed during the appointment negotiations and the possibilities and limits of support are clarified at an early stage.

Professional Integration

Continuing a professional career in a new environment requires time to build up a new network and to get to know the local job market. It also takes curiosity and, last but not least, the willingness to learn a new language. The Professorships Department offers support here by

  • providing guidance on the local job market
  • outlining strategies for job searches and career development
  • providing information on professional organizations and networks.

You will find helpful information and a broad variety of links on these topics on the page «Integration in the Labor Market».

The International Dual Career Network (IDCN) offers a great opportunity to establish professional contacts.

Private Integration

In addition to career prospects, "soft factors" also play a crucial role in a couple's decision to move abroad. These include, for example, whether both partners can imagine feeling at home in the new environment and whether they will find the infrastructure they both need. The decision to move is therefore also based on the housing market, the leisure time activities of the region, or other factors relevant for the family life, such as schools or childcare facilities.

You will find helpful information on these and other topics on the page «Living in Zurich».

Learning German

Although you will get along fine with English in your academic or private life, we recommend that you learn German in order to ease your social and linguistic integration. The Professorships Department offers support here by providing information on language courses and by contributing to the costs of German courses where appropriate. The UZH/ETH Language Center offers newly appointed professors and their partners wishing to learn German tailor-made courses and comprehensive teaching for all levels.

Weiterführende Informationen


Professorships Department

Arlette Meienberger

Phone: +41 44 63 42064


Rahel Gugerli

Phone: +41 44 63 42198



Private Integration


Learning German