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Professorships Department

Lump Sum Payment

Lump-sum payment orders

Please fill out the form Lump-Sum Payment Order (PDF, 233 KB) (in German), sign it and send it to

Fact Sheet on Lump-Sum Payments (PDF, 30 KB) (in German)

Settling lump-sum payments

Lump-sum payments for professors through the Professorships Department are settled as follows:

In general: Lump-sum payment orders received by the Professorships Department by the end of the current month are paid out in the following month if possible – depending on the workload/availability of staff and the quality/completeness of the submitted forms.

End of the year: For lump-sum payments to be processed and paid out in the current year, they must be received by the Professorships Department no later than 19 November.

Additional information on possible delays in the current processing of lump-sum payments

Due to, on the one hand, strong fluctuations in the number of submitted lump-sum payment forms and, on the other hand - especially at critical (holiday) times - due to high workload in other areas and/or occasional staff absences, we cannot guarantee at all times that we will be able to process your submitted order for the payment of a lump-sum payment at the usual time.

We will, of course, continue to do our best to process your request and thus your submitted lump-sum payment as promptly as possible and we therefore ask for your understanding if, for the aforementioned reasons, there may be somewhat longer processing times.

If you have not yet received an expected lump-sum payment, please be patient and wait until the following month before contacting the Professorships Department (salary administration, see separate contact details).

Please note: Incomplete and incorrectly filled out forms cause additional work and may even be returned to the sender.

Please be sure to read the above information and follow the instructions carefully – in doing so you are helping us to process lump-sum payments much more efficiently, which in turn means you will receive your payment quicker.

Weiterführende Informationen


Abteilung Professuren

Maria Marciello
Phone: +41 44 63 42025          
Nicole Mosimann
Phone: +41 44 63 42038
