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Professorships Department

Current personal data - Permits/withholding tax

Please note that the Professorships Department requires a copy of your valid residence and/or work permit - also for extensions.
This also applies if you obtain Swiss citizenship, after which a copy of your new identity document (passport or identity card) must also be sent to the Professorships Department as soon as possible and without being asked (see also Changing Personal Details).

In the case of changes to personal data to be reported in the same way - change of address, change of marital status, naturalisation, change of bank details - or for relevant data adjustments relating to withholding tax - e.g. obtaining/withdrawing a (cross-border commuter) permit, commencement/withdrawal of a partner's occupation, children (no longer) to be taken into account - the form provided for this purpose must be used (see Changing Personal Details or Withholding Tax).

Please notify us by e-mail of any other changes to your personal details that are not specifically included in a form, enclosing any enclosures (see the relevant contact details below).

In the event of other places of work outside Switzerland, e.g. in the case of (corona-related) home office assignments, the Professorships Department must also be informed in due time (in particular for insurance and tax reasons).

Please send the relevant documents and information to Ms. Maria Marciello or Ms.Nicole Mosimann.

Thank you for your consideration and valued support.


Weiterführende Informationen


Professorships Department     
Maria Marciello 
Tel.: +41 44 63 42025


Nicole Mosimann 
Tel.: +41 44 63 42038
