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Please note the following important change regarding the application for and administration of family allowances for UZH professors.
From 1 January 2025, the administration of family allowances will once again be handled directly by the Social Insurance Institution of the Canton of Zurich (SVA) instead of UZH, as was previously the case.
This means that only the administrative processing (checking the entitlement and issuing the allowance decision) will once again be carried out directly by the SVA.
This will not change anything for recipients in terms of the payment of family allowances. As before, these will be paid out via the UZH monthly salary.
To verify whether the requirements for eligibility are met and to issue allowance decisions, SVA needs the necessary information. Therefore, employees must submit their applications, documentation for educational allowances, and notifications of any changes directly to the SVA. They will then check if the requirements are met.
Approved family allowances are recorded in SAP-HR by the HR administration of the Professorship Department, and the allowance is paid out (monthly) through the salary. During the transition period of this administrative change, there may be delays. We therefore ask for your understanding and patience.
New Registrations (due to New Employment)
Please contact the Professorships Department in this regard. They will send you a personalized link via email. With this link, you can access the registration form and initiate the review process by submitting your data to the SVA. You will then receive an allowance decision directly from the SVA. Please note that you will need the child's AHV or social security number (756.xxxx.xxxx.xx) for registration.
Reporting Family Increase or Changes
To report this change, there is currently a notification form for employees (in German). As an employee, you must complete this form and submit it directly to the SVA by mail. Prior to submission, it requires a signature from the Professorships Department and confirmation that the minimum salary of CHF 7'560.-/year is met. Please note that you will need the child's AHV or social security number (756.xxxx.xxxx.xx) for registration.
Extension of Educational Allowances
For educational allowances that expire after March 31, 2025, the SVA will send forms by mail to your residential address. The completed forms must then be submitted along with the necessary documentation (e.g. apprenticeship contract or school/matriculation confirmation to the SVA).
If your educational allowances expire before March 2025, you must submit the documents for the extension through the SVA contact form (in German, also to be used by employees). Submitting documents without the necessary employee identification details may lead to unnecessary delays.
Family benefits are paid out by UZH with your monthly salary.
It is your responsibility to always report any changes in your personal circumstances or changes affecting the child in connection with family allowances immediately and without being asked in writing to both the SVA notification form for employees (in German) and the Professorships Department
This includes in particular events such as:
Unjustified receipt of benefits and violation of reporting obligations are punishable by law.
We would also like to refer you to the further information (incl. updated information sheet) on family allowances, which you can access via the links below.
If you have any further questions or difficulties, please contact the Professorships Department
Maria Marciello, Phone 044 634 20 25 or
Nicole Mosimann, Phone 044 634 20 38 or
Thank you for your appropriate consideration and timely cooperation.
Your responsible team of the Professorships Department.
In the Canton of Zurich, family allowances consist of age-dependent child allowances and education allowances.
As a rule, your child enters the Kindergarten or the Introductory Level when he or she reaches the age of four (the cut-off date is 31 July).
a) Child allowance
b) Education allowance: